Tuesday, March 6, 2012


             Name: Grace Callison
Virtual Tour                                                      Date: 27 February 2012 Hour: 4

Dear Prospective Cadets:

We welcome you.  Please feel free at anytime to visit our beautiful campus.  Our college has been in existence since 1842 and has a storied history of graduating military leaders, business professionals, and men and women of integrity.  If you find you cannot make the trip to South Carolina and see our campus by the Ashley River, please take the time to visit our website.  As you wander through the campus, ask yourself:  Could I wear the ring?

http://www.citadel.edu/ – The Citadel homepage

As you continue the tour, answer the following questions.

1.    How many classes of English, Math, Science, Foreign Language, Social Science, and Physical Education must you have taken in high school to attend The Citadel?

You must have four English and math, three sciences, two languages, three social sciences, one physical education.

2.    In looking at your own transcript, would you qualify for admission to The Citadel?

Yes                                     No

3.    What three things make up the physical test you must pass to enter The Citadel?  Would you be able to qualify?  Can you prove it?!

42 pushups, 53 sit-ups, 15:54 2 mile run. I would be able to qualify and I could prove it if I really wanted to.

4.    What do the prerequisites tell you about the type of cadet The Citadel is looking for?

They are looking for an intelligent, fit, and hard-working student.

5.    Where would Will McLean (Pat Conroy) have played basketball?

McAlister Field House.

6.    What do they call the residence halls where students live on campus?

The Barracts.

7.    How do the buildings at The Citadel look differently from buildings on the campuses you have visited?

The buildings are all white and aren’t as fancy as the buildings at K-State; KSU has an older look to its campus. Both campuses are unique in their own way and also the Citadel campus looks like it would be a military academy.

8.    Read about the history of The Citadel.  When did the first woman attend The Citadel? When was the first African American admitted? 

On January 20, 1994, Shannon Faulkner became the first female student to enroll in day classes at The Citadel. Charles Foster (class of 1970) became the first African American cadet to graduate from the Citadel.

9.    From the Home page, go to Leadership & Ethics, and then open up the Honor Manual.  What is the Cadet Honor Code?

A cadet “will not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do, doing the right thing when no one is watching, do the right thing when everyone is watching.”

10. Find the CODE OF STUDENT BEHAVIOR for Blue Valley School District. Which of the 10 points would not be included in a true honor code?

Blue Valley High School is committed to excellence, responsibility, and educational growth while building on our tradition of community.

Respect, honesty, self-discipline, responsibility, compassion, courage, kindness, patience, and charity.

11. Does your college of choice have an honor code?  What is it?

I did not find the actual honor code for KSU but I found a statement relating to their honorary system which says: “On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work.”

12. How much does The Citadel cost to attend per year for an out-of-state freshman?


13. Would you want to attend The Citadel?  Why or why not?

No because it is mainly based on military values and I do not wish to go into the military. Although I support the military and everything that they do for our country, I prefer to further extend my education and get a college degree.

14. Finally, spend some time exploring The Citadel’s website.  Find something interesting and jot down some ideas and reactions you have.  You will share this with the class.

The remaining tuition is:
Sophomore: $19,818-36,635
Junior: $19,818-36,635
Senior: $19,718-36,535

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